Alpaca and llama stud Farm Cottage industry Gift shop Tea and lunch tours Llama trekking Camping
Llead a llama treks

From time to time, we offer llama trekking as an add-on to our regular tea and lunch tours. Our mini trekking trail of approximately one kilometre will take you around our 57 hectare property, which contains one of the few stands of natural bushland remaining on Harwood Island.
The trek is great family fun and suitable for adults and children of school age (children must be chaperoned by an adult). Our friendly llamas, Smudge and Moreton, will accompany you on your journey of exploration.
Your trekking adventure will cost $45 in addition to the cost of your tour.
This activity is not always available. If you would like to participate in a trek, please inquire when you book your tour.